r. Isaac Brima Fofanah
Mr Isaac Brima Fofanah
Mr. Fofanah was born on 27th December 1982 in Bombali District. He is a trained and qualified teacher that acquired his T.C and Higher Teacher's Certificate (HTC) in 2017 at the Freetown Teachers College and Milton Margai College. He started his teaching career in Cardiff Preparatory School in the year 2003 - 2010. He began teaching in St Edward's Primary School in March 2018. He has had 16 years experience in class rooms creating impact on pupils lives. He is the current class teacher for class Six three. Mr Fofanah enjoys a friendly relationship with his pupils.Contact Mr. Fofanah
+232- 99 -47- 94 - 98
Contact number:
+232- 99 -47- 94 - 98